Part I: the Legacy-Adaptive and Legacy-Adaptive-Legacy contagion models
Select design principles (8 total; see Cox, Arnold, and Tomás (2010) reading for an overview):
Traditional, Indigenous adaptations for a changing climate are often outperform alternative technological innovations (Piggott-McKellar et al. 2020; McNamara et al. 2020).
How useful practices propagate through populations
Let’s use one of my favorite sustainable behaviors, biking, to illustrate this first model!
Yours truly spreading the love of biking.
Initialization: time step \(t=0\); B: biker, N: not biker
As time progresses (\(t > 0\)) more family members start biking.
Time step \(t = T\), the fixation time when all individuals share the same behavior.
At each time step, \(t\), a fraction \(\alpha\) of the population of \(N-A_t\) targeted individuals changes their behavior from \(L\) to \(A\).
Therefore, \[ A_{t+1} = A_t + \alpha (N - A_t) \]
\[ A_{t+1} = A_t + \alpha (N - A_t),\quad N=100,~\alpha=0.05,~A_0=5 \]
\[ A_{t+1} = A_t + \alpha A_t (1 - \frac{A_t}{N}) \]
\[ A_{t+1} = A_t + \alpha A_t (1 - \frac{A_t}{N}) \text{ ...? } \]
Need to subtract the fraction of those doing \(A\) who regress to do \(L\)
\[ A_{t+1} = A_t + \alpha A_t (1 - \frac{A_t}{N}) - \delta A_t \]
Check \(R_0\), the rate of change of \(A_t\) when \(A_t << N\)
Set \(A_\infty = A_{t+1} = A_t\)